
        Dodge City Public Library values staff who are lifelong learners, conscientious of the needs of the community, and eager to serve the public. Staff are active participants in our mission to provide resources and services necessary to meet the evolving educational, recreational, and informational needs of the community.

Are you ready to be a part of the DCPL team? Check out our job openings below:

Adult Programming Coordinator

Applying for a position:

  • Complete the Application for Employment or pick up an application at a library service desk
  • Deliver the completed application to:

Dodge City Public Library

1001 N 2nd Ave

Dodge City, KS 67801

  • Application materials may be emailed to carissad@dcpl.info and aprilw@dcpl.info
  • Application materials may be faxed to 620-399-7029
  • Application materials may be handed in at one of the Customer Service Desks

Please check each job announcement for additional application requirements (e.g. cover letter, resume). Regardless of the application requirements, it is recommended that applicants include a cover letter and resume. Application materials may be emailed to carissad@dcpl.info and aprilw@dcpl.info. Please put the title of the position you are applying for in the subject line. You must be at least 16 years old and have completed the 9th grade to work at the Dodge City Public Library.